Monday, November 2, 2015

In honor of All Saints' Day (6)

Last night, in honor of All Saints' Day I've decided to read from my 'Lives of the Saints book'. Before I opened it, I said a quick prayer and in that prayer I asked which saint wants me to read about their life?

I immediately opened to February 24: St. Ethelbert, King of Kent. As I was reading the brief synopsis about his life, I began to smell this indescribable smell. I was snug in my bed and I did not spray any perfume recently, besides, this wasn't a typical perfume kind of smell anyway. If I could describe it in the best way I could I would say it smelled clean and masculine. This smell would come and go in spurts. It did not linger like perfume.
In my heart, I knew that this was the saint letting me know that he is here and I should pray to him. I also had this strong uplifting feeling, of confidence and of purpose. I am meant to do something more. We are all meant to do something more, as long as you open your heart up. Even the smallest contribution could possibly lead up to something much larger than we realize.

I don't expect you to understand my experiences. Yours may be different from mine, but that doesn't make it any more or less. He knows we're all different in personalities and characters, that's the way He created us. He helps us to understand the light in our own unique ways. Whether through sight, smells or something like a beautiful butterfly landing on your hand, reminding you that you are loved and their is a purpose.

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