Thursday, October 6, 2016

The dream (13)

Last night I had the most vivid, yet surreal dream. The room was empty with white walls as the sun revealed it was mid afternoon. I looked up at the ceiling and saw that there was an oddly shaped hole in the ceiling.  Think of Picasso and his surreal shapes of melting clocks. I climbed up through the hole and suddenly found myself amongst a vast ocean and above me were thick, ominous gray clouds. The impending storm. Not even a hint of sunlight. Despite the sudden fear and anxiety I felt and the never-ending vastness of the ocean, the waters were utterly still and calm and not a ripple to disturb its peace. The impending chaos in which we have no control over, no say and no way to stop its haste was ready to tear through calm waters, which is the soul. I glanced all around me, the vast ocean which seemed to swallow me while my heart raced...where does it end? I feared this intimidation. Yet, I hung on. I did not drown. The ocean is my soul and its peace and steadiness comes from the hand of God.  We all go through storms in life, whether personal or political. Either way, we should remain like the ocean, vast and never-ending like God's
love and mercy and calm as the peace He alone could embrace us with.

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