Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Just imagine (17)

The pain and hurt that others may cause us can be so cutthroat deep, your heart will always be wrinkled; just imagine the hurt and pain Jesus feels when He's calling out to us and we don't respond. Just imagine every little stab we do to others is a stab to Him. That occured to me as I sat and contemplated on my own opened wound; someone whom I thought was a friend turned out not to be one at all. And that's okay. I will lick my wounds and move forward. I thought,  some people don't know how to grow up and be kind to others. Be kind anyway, as Mother Theresa would say. If we didn't have at least a few kindhearted people in this world, just imagine the constant turmoil and hatred we could face on a daily basis. On top of losing a friend, someone had stole from me, which made my life difficult. It made me think of The Lord's Prayer, "forgive us those who tresspass against us." It will be very hard, because that trust has been broken.

It's difficul to be kind to those who are cruel to us and beat us down, even after all we've done,they just don't see it. They are the ones who need God the most. They have lost the light. And you think,  why is God making me go through this, I say my prayers and do good to others? Whether it makes sense or not, maybe God chose you because you are a prayerful person and He knows that no matter what you are suffering, you will pray for that person in need, since nobody else would. There may be a moment when we must sever the ties and hope he/she would find peace  within themselves as the healing process begins. when one door closes, another one opens. I always believed and still do that goodness  and happiness come out of chaos. Maybe that goodness and love could start with us too, me and you, instead of looking for it. Just imagine what a difference that would make, despite your wrinkled heart. I reminded the young lady lady who stole from me, "Do you remember that clementine I had given you because you were hungry?" She nodded her head yes. Two days later, she mentioned she had some clementines at home and wanted to bring one in to  give me. In my heart, I will accept that response, even if I never recieve one, at least there was a silver lining  of hope in that moment.

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