Saturday, October 3, 2015

Labels (3)

I dreaded walking home from school everyday. If I could've turned myself inside out or even better, become invisible, I could've danced my way home happily. Little shy me. Little, feeble-minded, shy me. Labels that were thrown at me from every direction. Ignorant. That's my favorite. It's like I had my brain out in a display case and they pinpricked my flaws my weakness. That stuff that was inevitably a part of me, but it certainly did not make me who I was as a person. A human being dressed in more than just flesh and bone, but one should and one heart. Labels that delve deeper thank skin, these were labels that were hidden, or at least, I believed to be hidden. I wanted them to be hidden. Unfortunately, they were discovered. Obvious to the outside world. I felt that my character was being attacked. The part of me I have grown to detest. The labels I have grown to believe in.

And that's when I saw them, the small ones dancing in threes. Just an outline of tiny bodies. Going around in a continuous circle, smiling and joyously laughing and dancing as I arrived home. I just stood there in the driveway, curiously watching. It delighted my heart to see such beauty, but such an unexplainable, typically unseen event, brought upon the naked eye. My naked eye. And I knew there is nothing to be feared. What happens in the past, stays in the past.

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